해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rugs for Living Room Nursery Rug Boho Area Rug 8x10 Machine Washable Rugs for Bedroom Carpet Rug for Dining Room Non Slip Soft Moroccan Farmhouse Modern Grey

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상품가격 $149.99
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Super Soft: This large rugs for living room is as soft as feathers.The pile of the grey living room rug is also dense and rich, so it is not easy to gather dust and hair. And it\'s perfect for pet or child-friendly homes due to the safe material of the gray rug.Versatile & Boho: This boho rugs for bedroom is available in many sizes like 5x7 rug and 8x10 rug to suit your needs perfectly. Adding a large carpet for living room as boho decor or modern decor will effortlessly change the appearance of your home decor and brighten up your furniture.Easy Maintain: The dining room rug can be machine washed, vacuumed or just used a rag. A sudden spill will not soak into quickly but will stay on the surface for a while, giving you time to find a rag or tissue to clean it up. Machine washable rug can greatly reduce the stress and difficulty of cleaning.Non-Slip: The upgraded backing of the grey rugs for bedroom greatly enhances its stability and slip resistance. It can ensure that the office rug is firmly fixed on the ground to avoid sliding and shifting, while protecting the floor and providing a safe walking surface, perfectly connecting fashion and safety.Enhanced Durability: Not only are our soft carpet durable, they are also fade-resistant and lint-resistant. Tightly stitched edges, reinforced stitching corners, and an extra middle canvas layer allow it to remain beautiful and comfortable while standing up to daily use.

2024-09-05 11:37:34

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