해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Portable Charger Power Bank 50000mAh, USB-C PD 30W and QC 4.0 Fast Charging External Battery Pack with 4 Outputs & 2 Inputs, Digital Display Phone Charger for iPhone 15/14/13/12/11, Samsung, Android

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브랜드 Brand: seaistar
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 29.99
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Power Bank 50000mah: Seaistar portable charger make of new high-density polymer battery, ultra-high massive capacity provides 11 charges for iPhone 13 Pro, offers 8 charges for Samsung Galaxy S22.Depending on battery size, most smartphones will get over 9 full charges. Portable powerbank works and does not take on any extra room, suitable for camping, hiking, vacation, travel and other outdoors.4 Outputs & 2 Inputs: Seaistar portable power bank built in 4 USB output ports, 1 USB-C port(Support Input & Output)and 1 Micro USB input port, can charge 4 devices at the same time, perfectly fit your new iPhones, iPad and all upcoming USB Type-C devices. Compatible with your smart phone, tablet laptops, mini speakers, bluetooth headsets, cameras, handheld game consoles and other USB electronic devices.USB C PD 30W Fast Charging and Recharging: The powerbank boasts PD 30W output and QC4.0 quick charging technology, allowing it to charge your iPhone to 61% in just 30 minutes. The USB C input ports can fully recharge the battery pack in 8 hours using a 5V 3.0A charger (charger not included).Widely Compatibility: This Portable Battery Charger with an LED display simplifies power management by showing the remaining battery percentage. It is compatible with various devices including iPhones, iPads, AirPods, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel, Huawei, Xiaomi, Android smartphones, MacBooks, tablets, earbuds, fitness trackers, smartwatches, cameras, and more.10 Point Safety Protection: External portable phone charger built in quality batteries and a comprehensive multi-protect safety system, including overcharge protection, short circuit protection, overcurrent, overvoltage, temperature control, and more, ensure completly protect your devices and keep your charger healthy.What You Get: seaistar 50000mAh power bank*1, USB C cable*1,User Manual*1, 7x 24 hours friendly customer service, you are welcome to contact us at any time.

2024-11-26 18:03:26

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