해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Desobry 14.1" Small TV, 1080P Portable TV with Antenna, Mini TV Support HDMI, USB, AV, LCD TV Built in Digital Tuner, TV Stand, Dual Speakers, Rechargeable Battery Operated TV for Camping,Kitchen,Car

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상품가격 $128.99
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?【HD Portable TV with Antenna ATSC Tuner】This 14.1" widescreen small TV features a high-definition LCD display, providing crisp images, say goodbye to pixelated pictures, and enjoy your favorite shows in high-definition quality. DESOBRY TV small with detachable antenna tuner to receive ATSC digital for freeview TV signal. Note: Only free TV channels are supported, encrypted channels cannot be received. Please check whether there is signal coverage at your location.?【Work on Various Devices】Our portable TV is not only a digital TV but also a portable monitor. Compatible with a variety of ports, such as HDMI, AV in, and devices including laptops, Amazon Firestick, Roku,Slingbox and even game consoles. No need to install APP. This small portable TV also has a USB port and supports multiple formats such as: MAVI, MPG, MOV, MKV, MP4, TS, VOB, DAT, MP3, WMA, M4A, AAC, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, Text.?【Multiple Power Options]】This mini TV has a built-in rechargeable battery, making it easy to watch your favorite TV shows on road trips, in the yard, or during power outages. It comes with a car charger or wall charger to meet your different needs, and you can charge the battery operated TV in the car or at home.?【Portable and Easy to Use】Our portable tv with antenna has a desktop stand and a headrest stand, so you don\'t need to hold the portable TV for a long time, freeing your hands. Compact and easy to use, it is perfect for use at home, in the yard, in the kitchen, in the office, in the RV and on outdoor outings.?【Warm Tips and After-sales】About signals: In order to let the mini tv portable get better TV program signal, please place the antenna near the window or outdoor. About the remote control: Please keep within 3 meter distance and 30° angle or positive angles to aim IR sensor location on small television when using the remote control to work portable TV. We offer unconditional money back within 30 days,12 months product guarantee. Any problem about the mini tv portable, welcome to contact us. We are always here to help.

2024-07-11 21:35:20

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