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Turtle Beach VelocityOne Race Wheel & Pedal System Licensed for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows PCs – 7.2Nm Direct Drive Force Feedback, 3 Pedals & Magnetic Paddle Shifters, Hall Effect Sensors

상품번호 B0CRJX8T67
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상품가격 $399.99
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Authentic, Complete Racing Setup for Xbox & PCUltra-Realistic K: Direct Drive 7.2Nm DD Force Feedback MotorGlide through Gears with Magnetic Paddle ShiftersTune & Customize your Setup with the Race Management DisplayCustomizable Throttle, Brake & Clutch PedalsDynamic Brake Tek Load-Cell Braking System for Enhanced RealismModular Control Unit for Critical Car Systems & AdjustmentsTuner Companion App for Xbox, PC & Mobile DevicesPremium, Racing-Grade Design with Versatile Mounting SolutionsTurtle Beach Audio Tuning Onboard
Ultra-Realistic Immersion Shift into a new level of realism with the Turtle Beach VelocityOne Race Wheel & Pedal system engineered for high-fidelity racing simulation performance on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One & Windows 10 & 11 PCs. High-fidelity direct-drive 7.2Nm force feedback is delivered by our custom K: Drive motor. Providing powerful response while maintaining smooth steering and detailed reactions to in-race events at low latency. The wheel rotation is set to 900 degrees by default out of the box but is fully adjustable in ten-degree increments from a minimum rotation of 90 degrees, all the way up to a maximum of 2,600 degrees of rotation. A hand-stitched, removable leather wheel enhances realism and improves your grip. Bang through the gears in a classic muscle car or glide in a modern supercar with the magnetic paddle shifters, offering reliable, consistent shifts every time. And for even more customization and ease of access, two additional analog paddles with magnetic hall effect sensors provide precise clutch and handbrake control. Race Management Display An advanced digital dashboard gives you quick access to real-time telemetry and other critical vehicle performance data and full customization and integration with popular racing titles* to maximize immersion. Direct data output can also be displayed in real-time based on authentic dashboard displays with supported racing titles. Tune every aspect of your driving experience including force feedback levels, braking, throttle & clutch response, control mapping and more. And with the VelocityOne Tuner companion app available on Xbox, PC and for iOS & Android devices, you can make product adjustments, control mappings, and do live product updates. Advanced Aluminum Pedal Set A fully adjustable aluminum pedal set can be adapted to the type of car you are using, or for personal preference. The Dynamic Brake Tek load-cell braking system provides up to 50kg/f of force for ultra-realistic braking performance with authentic response based on the force you apply to the pedal, just like in a real car. And with left-to-right adjustment of the pedal, you can position it just right based on your preference. An integrated clutch pedal is ideal for stick shift driving, or if you prefer to use the clutch paddles on the wheel, the clutch pedal can be lowered to give more space for brake and throttle control. Race-Inspired Controls The VelocityOne Race Control Unit was built with inspiration from real-life controls and provides easy access to critical car systems and setting adjustments. The VCU Includes 6 buttons, 5 latched toggle switches, and 3 rotary dials, and features a modular design with USB-C connection so you can mount the unit by itself, or on either side of the wheel. Versatile Design The VelocityOne Race has a modular design, made for future product upgrades & updates and for maximum versatility in your permanent or temporary home racing setup. Mount the VelocityOne Race to most sim racing stands using the pre-drilled holes with included screws or the included low-profile clamp. Both are designed to handle the force feedback of the wheel, while not getting in the way underneath. The pedals also feature pre-drilled holes and screws, plus adhesive rubber pads for multi-surface floor mounting. Authentic, Complete Setup: For drivers that want to lead the pack, the VelocityOne Race system delivers superb performance with an authentic design. Ultra-Realistic, K: Drive Force Feedback Motor: Feel every moment of a race with a custom 7.2Nm direct-drive force feedback motor tuned for high-fidelity kinetic response, with up to 2,600 degrees of rotation. Smooth, Magnetic shift Paddles: Two Magnetic Shift paddle shifters allow you to glide through the gears in any vehicle, with smooth, reliable shifting. Plus, two additional analog paddles provide precise clutch and handbrake control. Race Management Display: Advanced digital dashboard for real-time race telemetry, full customization, and integration with popular racing titles* to maximize immersion and improve performance. *Game support dependent on developer integration. See compatibility list for regular updates. Customizable Pedal Set: Experience ultimate racing immersion with a fully adjustable throttle, brake, and clutch pedal set that you can dial-in to your exact preferences. Tuned, Load-Cell Braking System: Dynamic Brake Tek load-cell braking system provides up to 50kg/f of force, with braking performance measured by the force you apply to the pedal, and not the distance the pedal travels. VelocityOne Control Unit: The detachable VelocityOne Control Unit (VCU) is built with a modular design and provides easy access to critical car systems and setting adjustments. Premium, Racing-Grade Materials: A removable hand-stitched leather steering wheel, aluminum throttle, clutch and brake pedal assembly, and performance car-inspired controls bring the racetrack realism to your home setup. VelocityOne Tuner Companion App: Download the Tuner app to your Xbox console, PC, iOS, or Android smartphone to adjust product performance, make updates, and download any future expansion content. Versatile Mounting Solutions: A low-profile mounting clamp or pre-drilled holes and screws keeps your wheel secure at full torque, and adhesive rubber pads ensure the pedals stay firmly planted on any floor surface. Turtle Beach Audio Tuning: Select from five different audio presets including Superhuman Hearing or create and save your own custom preset to dial in audio to your exact preference. Multi-platform Compatibility: VelocityOne Race is officially licensed for Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One and works great with your favorite racing titles on Windows 10 & 11 PCs.

2024-11-28 20:15:20

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