해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
3-in-1 Golf Hitting Mat, 5x4 ft Golf Mats Practice Indoor/Outdoor, Professional Golf Matt Includes 3 Interchangeable Strips for Optimal Practice, Heavy Duty Artificial Turf Hitting Mat

상품번호 B0CRKYM37T
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports
브랜드 Brand: VOXOR
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $199.98
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Realistic: Commercial-grade turf and shock-absorbing foam backing makes it feels like real turf. It provides realistic turf interaction to help you get the most out of your practice.3-IN-1 Combo Mat and Net set: VOXOR offers all the golf hitting mat options to suit your need with 3 interchangeable hitting strips including traditional fairway turf, 1.5-inch rough turf and golf swing impact mat,10x7ft Heavy Duty Golf Practice Net.Replaceable Hitting Strip: The hitting strip is easily swappable, don\'t ever worry about replacing your whole mat. It provides the best practice area for your simulator, backyard, or golf academy.Sturdy and Tough: High-density commercial-grade artificial turf features an integrated anti-tearing layer for excellent longevity. The 5/8-inch (15mm) thick shock-absorbing foam backing effectively absorbs club impact and provides ultimate protection for your joints and hands.What You Get: 5x4ft Golf Hitting Mat, 10x7ft Heavy Duty Golf Practice Net,3 Interchangeable Strips, 10 Foam Practice Balls, 4 Wood Tees, 3 Plastic Tees, 2 Rubber Tee. 12-month warranty, and friendly customer service.

2024-09-05 05:38:44

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