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Smart SBID-6265S-V3-P 6065s-V3 Pro Interactive DISPLY with iQ, Black

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상품구분 Office Products / Office Electronics
브랜드 Brand: GENERIC
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $3,000.00
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Smart Board 6065S-V3 Pro interactive display with iQ and Meeting Pro Software - 65 inch - SBID-6265S-V3-P: This all-in-one interactive display combines the power of a whiteboard, computer, projector, and tablet into a single, sleek device. It features a 65-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 4K UHD (3840 x 2160), a refresh rate of 60 Hz, and a brightness of up to 350 nits. The display also includes built-in speakers, a camera, and a microphone, making it perfect for video conferencing, presentations, and collaboration.Microsoft Surface Pro 4K Ultra HD Touchscreen Interactive Whiteboard: This Microsoft Surface Pro 4K Ultra HD Touchscreen Interactive Whiteboard is a powerful and versatile tool for teaching and learning. It features a 21.5-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 3840 x 2160, a brightness of up to 350 nits, and a touch sensitivity of 10 points. The whiteboard also includes a built-in Windows 10 Pro operating system, a Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB solid-state drive. It also includes a Microsoft Surface Pen, which allows users to write, draw, and annotate directly on the screen.SMART Board 6065S-V3 Pro interactive display with iQ and Meeting Pro Software - 65 inch - SBID-6265S-V3-P: This interactive display features a range of powerful teaching tools and content, including ready-made whiteboard templates, graphic organizers, manipulatives, widgets, and interactive activities. It also includes the iQ software, which allows teachers to create and deliver engaging and interactive lessons. The display also includes the Meeting Pro software, which allows teachers to collaborate with colleagues and students remotely.Microsoft Surface Pro 4K Ultra HD Touchscreen Interactive Whiteboard: This interactive whiteboard features a range of powerful features, including the ability to write and draw directly on the screen, the ability to annotate documents and images, and the ability to share content with colleagues and students. It also includes the Microsoft Surface Pen, which allows users to write and draw with precision and accuracy.
The SMART Board 6065S-V3 Pro interactive display with iQ and Meeting Pro Software is a powerful teaching tool that enhances lessons on the fly with ready-made whiteboard templates, graphic organizers, manipulatives, widgets, and interactive activities. It features a 65-inch 4K UHD display with a refresh rate of 60 Hz, and comes with Microsoft Surface Pro 4K Ultra HD Touchscreen Interactive Whiteboard, 21.5-Inch (Widescreen). The SMART Board 6065S-V3 Pro interactive display with iQ and Meeting Pro Software is perfect for use in classrooms, boardrooms, and conference rooms, and is backed by a 1-year limited warranty.

2025-01-11 00:33:40

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