해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AquaMiracle 1800GPH Submersible Water Pump UL Certified Pond Pump with 20FT Cord, Adapters & Filter Bag, 100W Water Fountain Pump Waterfall Pump for Pond, Fountain, Waterfall, Fish Tank, Hydroponics

상품번호 B0CRTRPB45
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Outdoor Décor
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상품가격 $69.99
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ENERGY-EFFICIENT & HEAVY DUTY - This submersible water pump is a workhorse, but that doesn\'t mean it guzzles power. Thanks to advanced asynchronous technology and a specially designed vortex impeller, it\'s super energy-efficient, even with its large flow and high lift. The fountain pump has 100-watt power, a max flow rate of 1800 GPH, and max head height of 14 feet.UL-CERTIFIED WITH PREMIUM BUILD - Quality matters, which is why this pond pump is built with top-notch materials. Engineering-grade ABS housing, a pure copper motor, a silicon carbide shaft, and a 20-foot 3-core weather-proof power cord. It\'s UL-certified, and each unit has been tested with super high voltage underwater to confirm it\'s IPX8 waterproof and leak-free. Overheating isn\'t a concern, either, with a built-in overload protector ready to cut power if necessary.EASY TO USE - Don\'t sweat the setup. This filtration pump features stepped hose adapters that fit 1-1/4", 1", and 3/4" hoses. You can adjust the water outlet direction as needed, and the stainless steel hose clamps ensure a tight, secure fit to the adapters. It\'s a breeze with a pre-filter screen that can be detached from the pump body without tools.MULTIPLE POSITIONING - This waterfall pump isn\'t just for underwater. It\'s designed to work on land too. The unique front housing allows for both horizontal and vertical operation, so you can position it just right.VERSATILE APPLICATIONS - This submersible pump is perfect for a variety of uses, whether you\'re sprucing up a pond, water garden, or fountain, powering a waterfall, or setting up a hydroponic system. It\'s ready for whatever you throw at it.

2024-10-31 19:43:05

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