해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Baby Stroller Footmuff, Baby Stroller Bunting Bag, Stroller Sleeping Bag, Warm Sleeping Bag for Baby & Infant, Sleep Sack, Baby Blanket, Newborn Essentials, Swaddle Blanket

상품번호 B0CS1V73GZ
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상품구분 Baby Products / Strollers & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: bundlojoy
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $122.50
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Polyester, Cotton, Synthetic MaterialsImportedSnug and Stylish: Elevate your baby essentials with our Baby Stroller Bunting Bag, Sleeping Bag, Footmuff featuring a comfortable design with stylish furry hoodie and snug inner fleece suitable for both baby girls and boys. It\'s the perfect blend of warmth and functionality for your little one.Versatility: Our Bunting sleeping bag includes a versatile zipper to separate and act as a baby blanket in the warmer weather, baby sleep sack and footmuff in the winter, and baby under blanket for summer comfort – providing a complete sleep and stroller solution for your precious newborn and toddler. These baby essentials are perfect for any occasion, whether you\'re out and about or at home.Tailored for Baby: Tailored specifically for newborn babies and toddlers, bunting bag blanket and sleep sack offer the perfect fit, enveloping your baby in a gentle cocoon that promotes restful environment and protection from the weather. These bunting / sleeping bags for baby girl newborn essentials and baby stuff for boys and girls are an absolute necessity for every parent.Hassle Free: Say goodbye to the hassle of outdoor strolling fears and welcome the tranquility of our baby stroller sleeping bag and bunting bag into your babys life. Because when it comes to your newborn essential must haves, we\'ve got your baby covered in warmth, comfort, and style. Make every outdoor stroll a delightful experience with our thoughtfully created baby stroller footmuff and sleeping bag – the perfect companion for your baby\'s journey into the great outdoors.Portability: Designed with portability in mind, allowing for convenient storage and transport when not in use. Include compact storage pouch for carrying while on the go. Designed to be adjustable to accommodate different stroller models and configurations, ensuring a secure and snug fit.
Indulge your little one in supreme comfort and warmth with our winter warming footmuff baby sleeping bags. Carefully crafted with super plush padding, these sleeping bags ensure your baby stays cozy, warm, and dry even in the coldest winter conditions. The versatile design features an easy zip mechanism that allows for the removal of the front panel, providing adaptability to fluctuating weather and temperature changes. Plus, the adjustable two-way zipper adds further convenience, allowing you to customize ventilation and insulation according to your baby\'s needs. Constructed from waterproof and oil-proof materials, these sleeping bags are a breeze to clean – simply wipe away dirt, mud, or sticky residues from boots and hands for hassle-free maintenance. Inside, the luxurious velvet liner offers a warm, soft, and breathable environment for your baby to snuggle in. The added fluffy wool collar provides an extra layer of insulation and comfort, ensuring your little one stays snug and cozy throughout the winter months. These sleeping bags aren\'t just practical – they also make for delightful gifts for baby showers, Christmas, and birthdays. Give the gift of warmth, comfort, and convenience to new parents or growing families, and let them enjoy worry-free outings with their little bundle of joy.

2024-06-09 12:55:14

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