해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DreamQuest Mini Desktop Computer Windows 11 Pro Preinstalled, Intel 12th N95 (up to 3.4GHz) Mini Pc with 32GB RAM 1TB M.2 SSD, USB3.2, BT4.2,WiFi 5,4k HDMI, Gigabit Port for Home Office

상품번호 B0CS2H2X7V
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상품가격 $299.99
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【Preloaded with Windows 11 Pro Professional 】Preloaded with Windows 11 Professional. Supports Linux, PXE, Ubuntu, set Bios on the OS, Wake On LAN, RTC Wake, and Auto Power On.【12th Intel Alder Lake N95】Newest 12th Intel Alder Lake N95 (Up to 3.4GHz) processor (2023 New Releases). Compared with Intel (N100/N5105/N5100/N5095), N95 CPU performance +35%, GPU +78%.【1TB M.2 SSD UP TO 2TB】Built-in 1TB M.2 2280 SSD hogging multitab browsing and opening a huge file quickly. If you want more storage space, you can replace the 1TB SSD with capacity under 2TB.【Expand 2.5"" SSD (no included)】In addition to replacing the M.2SSD, you also can add a 2.5"" SSD (no included) to expand the 1TB SSD, up to 2TB【Supports 4K 60Fps 】 The mini computer comes with Intel Graphics 1.20 GHz and supports 4K 60Fps three-screen display. Images come alive with new levels of realism, text is sharp and clear, and colors are more vibrant.【Compact Size】Mini pc with small size:5.45’‘L,5.45’‘W,1.45’‘H, light weight only 500g,compact, space-saving, portable, can be VESA-mounted on the back of a display.【Widely Compatible】 Designed with 1 x DC/4 USB 3.2/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet port/3 HDMI ports/1 x audio input/output. Supports multiple device connections like mouse, acoustics or headset, and can be used with servers, monitoring equipment, office equipment, displays, projectors, televisions, etc.【????????】 Dreamquest mini pc with ?-???? ???????? . How to use the warranty service? Login your account > choose "My orders" > find the order ID > click "Contact seller"

2024-10-01 14:52:46

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