해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
6 Ft Eucalyptus Garland for Table Centerpieces, 2 Packs Artificial Eucalyptus Vine Fake Silver Dollar Eucalyptus Garland for Wedding Backdrop Mantelpiece Arch Doorway Indoor Outdoor Greenery Decor

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Valuable Package - You will get 2 pcs differents designed and individually packaged 6 feet faux eucalyptus garland. One piece artificial eucalyptus garland is full of boxwood leaves, another silver dollar eucalyptus garland with 3 clusters of green-white fruit, 9 babysbreath flowers & silver dollar eucalyptus leaves. Any vine of them can be arranged individually with flora, fruits, candles, silk cloth or others else, also both of them can be combined together to decorate as per your fancy.Ideal Greenery Garland for Indoors & outdoors - Creat your exclusive and memorable decoration with eucalyptus garland with flowers and fruits. Perfect for wedding garland, backdrops decor, farmhouse garland, table runner, arches, hanging vine decorations, bench, Valentines Day, head table greenery, fireplace mantle garland, banquet tables, fence posts, home decor, party decor, handrail decor, baby showers or eucalyptus magnolia garland wreaths, eucalyptus garland for table centerpieces displays.Build Yourown Garland - CongfuHepMui fake eucalyptus garland adopted top quality and durable material. Each leaves is detachabla. Leave, fruit and flower can be arranged to any position in the garland, or add any pretty, romantic or funny items as per your rich sense of fantasy. Each eucalyptus vine is 6 feet long in length, 2 pcs total length is 12 feet.Real Touch & Lush Appearance - Our artificial eucalyptus greenery garland owns naturalness look, herbaceous texture and volume. With abundant leaves and a variety of dark green, light green, and frosted leaves. Eucalyptus vines mixed 213pcs small eucalyptus leaves, 109pcs big eucalyptus leaves, 5pcs seed flowers, 4pcs babysbreath flowers, 3pcs fruits.Fully Guaranteed & Fabulous Quality - Thanks to the unique style, fine detail, and craftsmanship, eucalyptus artificial garland is an ideal decor helper. Customer support team provides after sale support and service to customers anytime.

2024-10-02 02:02:09

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