해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Desobry 10.6" Small TV, 1080P Portable TV with Detachable Antenna, Mini TV with IPS Display, Rechargeable Battery Operated TV Support HDMI, USB, AV, Built in Digital Tuner, TV Stand, Dual Speakers

상품번호 B0CS65MVD1
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상품가격 $169.99
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?【Portable TV with Full HD 1080P IPS Screen】 Immerse yourself in a vivid and accurate image with a 1920 x 1080 resolution IPS screen. Enjoy a wide 178° viewing angle for an enhanced visual experience. The small TV weighs only 1.59 pounds and can be easily stored in a carry-on bag for travel, work, or relocation.?【Wide Compatibility】The portable TV is not only a digital TV but also a portable monitor. Compatible with a variety of ports and devices including laptops, Amazon Firestick, Roku,Slingbox and even game consoles. No need to install APP. It also has a USB port and supports multiple formats such as: MAVI, MPG, MOV, MKV, MP4, TS, VOB, DAT, MP3, WMA, M4A, AAC, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, Text.?【Multiple Power Options]】This mini TV has a built-in rechargeable battery, making it easy to watch your favorite TV shows on road trips, in the yard, or during power outages. It comes with a car charger or wall charger to meet your different needs, and you can charge the battery operated TV in the car or at home.?【Small TV with Stand】The TV small has a built-in desktop stand, which eliminates the need for installation and disassembly and is very convenient to use. You can adjust the stand to a suitable angle to watch your favorite movies or football games in a comfortable sitting position. When riding in a car, you can use the headrest bracket included in the package to fix the mini TV portable on the seat to reduce the fatigue caused by riding in the car.?【Outdoor TV with Antenna and Dual Speakers】The small portable TV has two speakers on the front, providing clear stereo sound to meet daily movie viewing needs. The camping TV is equipped with an antenna that accepts local free signals. Warm reminder: When it cannot receive the signal, please check whether there is signal coverage in the local area. If you need any help, welcome to contact us and we will definitely provide you with a positive solution within 24 hours.

2024-07-11 21:50:33

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