해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TKK 1650Lbs Lever Chain Hoist - 3/4Ton 10FT Manual Lever Hoist Ratchet Chain Puller with Portable Hooks for Efficient Open-Air and Unpowered Ideal for Building, Warehouses, and Automotive Tasks

상품번호 B0CS687BVH
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Material Handling Products
브랜드 Brand: TKK
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $59.99
상품가격 상세보기

? Powerful and Durable: Lift heavy loads effortlessly up to 10 feet with a robust 1650 lbs capacity. Our lever chain hoist is compact, sturdy, and designed for prolonged efficiency.? Industrial-Grade Safety: The ratchet puller hoist features a 360° rotating safety hook crafted from tough alloy steel, ensuring easy operation and enhanced safety.? Strong and Reliable: With a 0.75T lift capacity and 3m length, our lever chain hoist uses G80 galvanized manganese steel for high intensity and toughness, ensuring reliable performance.? Stable Brake System: The premium double pawl brake system evenly distributes the load, enhancing stability and ensuring utmost safety during operation.? Versatile and Efficient: Perfect for low headroom applications in transport, construction, and various industries. Ideal for installing machines, lifting goods, and dragging loads. Plus, enjoy our return and exchange guarantee for quality assurance.?

2025-01-07 19:30:23

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