해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Full Face Gas Masks Survival Nuclear and Chemical, Reusable Full Face Respirator Gas Mask with Activated Carbon Filter

상품번호 B0CS6JY22Q
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Safety & Security
브랜드 Brand: Qgrete
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $29.99
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Specifications: Respirator Model: 6800 reusable full-face respirator set Filter Type: organic vapor/gas and dust particles The Features of 6001 Activated Carbon Filter Cartridges: - Multi-layer activated carbon, a strong adsorption effect, can be filtered repeatedly. The printed side of the filter cotton faces inward. - Unique square design, increased filtering area, and easier breathing, The center of gravity swings back, less likely to cause neck fatigue. - Multi-layer high-efficiency activated carbon filter box, it can effectively protect dust, formaldehyde, carbon disulfide, and organic vapor Features of High-efficiency Electrostatic Filter Cotton: - Low breathing resistance, effectively filters non-oily particles such as dust, toxic gases, etc. Features of 40mm Carbon Activated Charcoal Filter: - Fitted with many activated carbon particles and multi-layer electrostatic dissolving cloth, efficient adsorption, can not only protect against toxic but also various non-oily particles. Features of 6800 Full Face Protective Screen: - Widely Universal: comply with a wide variety of international standards, applicable to almost all popular filter boxes on the market - A permanent anti-fog design will not affect vision at all. - The screen surface is impact-resistant and anti-splash, and the mouth is equipped with a cold flow breathing valve to reduce breathing resistance, effectively reducing the accumulation of heat and moisture in the mask, and you will not feel stuffy when worn for a long time.

2024-07-11 02:41:04

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