해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
6 Cup Manual Espresso Maker, Small Espresso Machines for Home, Cuban Coffee Maker with Detachable Base & Overheat Protection,Cafeteras Electricas Modernas Moka Pot, Greca Electrica De Cafe Gift

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상품가격 $49.99
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【Luxury Transparent Container】LAOION coffee espresso machine for home with clear transparent top. You can monitor the espresso coffee situation and savor the entire brewing process, making the best traditional espresso easy.【Convenient & Fast】Without complicated operation and heat stove, just fill the boiler with fresh water until reaching the safety valve(visible inside the boiler), next fill the funnel filter with good quality, medium-ground coffee, then tighten the coffee maker and rest it on the base, finally press the switch wait 5 minutes and you can enjoy an authentic Italian Moka coffee.【Safe & Food-Grade Material】This electric espresso machine\'s upper pot is made of BPA free&Heat-resistant plastic, lower pot is made of Premium food-grade aluminum, non-toxic and rust-proof.【Everywhere is Your Own Private Cafe】Could you imagine a place without coffee? We can\'t! So this machine is designed to be 6 cups compact size. Not only in the kitchen you can also take it to the office, worksite, or even away for the weekend. You can enjoy the classic Italian Moka coffee with friends and family in just 5 minutes after plugging in.【Perfect Gift】This electric espresso maker is a perfect gift for coffee beginners, LAOION brings a refined afternoon time and good memories for anyone who loves flavorful Italian Moka coffee.

2024-07-09 14:01:57

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