해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Baby Musical Instruments - Montessori Musical Toys for Toddlers 1-3, Neutral Colors Wooden Percussion Instruments Set, Modern Boho Xylophone Tambourine, Kids Preschool Educational Birthday Gifts

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상품구분 Toys & Games / Learning & Education
브랜드 Brand: Rmischolar
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $35.99
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⭐WOODEN INSTRUMENTS PLAYSET - This adorable toddler music toy set is arranged in warm and welcoming colors includes an 8-tone xylophone with mallets, a tambourine with cymbals, two maracas, a trumpet, a triangle with striker, and a wood sounder. Every melody played is sound as harmonious as it is pleasant, the perfect introduction for young musical learners!?EARLY EDUCATIONAL TOYS - The wooden musical instrument set is great for kids ages 3+, perfect for the musical awakening through the exploration of sounds and creative free expression. Designed for interactive learning, rhythm recognition and social development. Helps enhance hand-eye coordination and boost concentration skill. The set offers everything you need to introduce toddlers to rhythm and harmony through play.?NEUTRAL COLORS - Our musical instruments toy set features neutral colors, appealing to minimalist parents who prefer natural-looking toys for their children. The Montessori baby toys can be used as stylish décor for boho-inspired playrooms or nurseries, fitting seamlessly with other boho baby toys, neutral baby stuff and aesthetic baby items.?SAFE AND DURABLE - The wooden musical toys are made from natural wood with organic pigments and non-toxic water-based paints. This product is rigorously tested to meet the highest safety standards. Smooth, rounded edges, no sharp edges, no harm to hands. The sturdy construction can withstand enthusiastic play while ensuring your baby\'s safety and comfort.?GIFT OF WONDER - This aesthetic preschool toys offer a rich sensory experience that not only entertains babies but also supports their overall development, making them an ideal gift choice for holidays, birthdays, or baby showers. Let your child discover the magic of music as they shake, rattle and jingle with all the classic wooden percussion instruments in our gender-neutral toddler toys.

2024-07-11 12:22:24

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