해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
17FT Gaga Ball Pit Portable,Inflatable Gaga Ball Pit with Blower,Giant Inflatable Gaga Ball Pit for Indoor Outdoor School Family Activities Inflatable Sport Games

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상품가격 $289.89
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【Durable Fabric】- Gaga ball pit features high-strength heavy-duty oxford fabric what is wear-resistant,drop-resistant, pressure-resistant, waterproof,ensuring safety and long-lasting fun for you with gaga ball pit.【Easy Setup & Innovation】- Gaga ball pit portable equipped with Built-in fan of 250W, you can get a inflatable gaga ball pit without the need for tedious operation steps for taking just 3-5 minutes to keep the portable gaga pit inflated. Compared to traditional wooden gaga pit will SAVE MONEY AND TIME.【Convenient Details】- Notched entry are designed removable with velcro close to prevent the ball from running out during play and you can easy access into and out. The side of inflatable gaga ball pit zipper vent make it easier to deflate quickly, so you can play anywhere you want!【Stay Safe to Play】- Gaga ball pit portable is lightweight construction and round without hard edges, so that no warry to cause injuries during play by side impact with the gaga pit and it has shock absorption and rebound. The bottom D-shaped rings make easy for you to fasten no more worrying about the bottom flipping over!【Multi Occasions】- Gaga ball pit is perfect for beach days, summer camps, community groups, activity center,school, home and backyard and gatherings with friends and family. Let\'s experience life to the fullest! (Note: when using this product, the air fan must keep running to keep the gaga ball pit inflated)

2024-06-10 12:30:13

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