해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AMM 28 PCS Heavy Duty Punch and Chisel Set, Including Taper Punch, Cold Chisels, Pin Punch and Center Punch, Cr-V, Ideal for Working with Wood, Metal, Automotive, Sculpture, etc

상품번호 B0CSFXT93W
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상품가격 $37.99
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【Package Include】This set includes 16PC punch and chisel set (Cr-V): 5PC pin punches, 5PC taper punch, 3PC cold chisel, 2PC center punch and 1PC chisel punch gauge; 12PC punch and chisel set (high carbon steel):6PC cold chisel set, 4PC pin punch set and 2PC center punch【Special Design】Available in 28 different shapes to meet different needs. Including bolt hole alignment, ball head separation, unfolding knuckle, center punch, knockout bolts and pins【Premium Material】Chisels and punch tools made from heat-treated chrome vanadium steel for enhanced toughness, durability, and wear resistance. The high hardness grade of 54~58HRC can prevents rapid expansion of the head and passivation of the chisel and punch【Organized Storage】Stay organized with our portable roll-up pouch, featuring imprinted punch sizes for quick and easy tool identification【Wide Application】 Our punch and chisel set delivers accuracy and efficiency in a variety of woodworking and metalworking tasks, making it an essential tool for carpenters, metalworkers, artists, automotive workers and DIYers

2025-01-07 02:49:45

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