해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JOOLA Ben Johns Perseus 3 Pickleball Paddle with 1 Replacement Grip - Patent-Pending Propulsion Core & Charged Carbon Surface Technology - Carbon Fiber Pickleball Paddle

상품번호 B0CSH3Z2ZK
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상품가격 199.99
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OFFICIAL PADDLE SPONSOR OF WORLD #1 PICKLEBALL PLAYER BEN JOHNS: An innovator & global leader in table tennis for 70+ years, JOOLA teams up with Ben Johns to create a new line of pickleball equipment that will forever change the game.BEN JOHNS JOOLA PICKLEBALL PADDLE: The Perseus 3 is Ben Johns’ official paddle for the current season. The world’s #1 player was an integral part of the design and testing process to bring about an incredibly dynamic professional pickleball paddle.PROPULSION CORE CREATES A TRUE POWER & CONTROL PADDLE: JOOLA’s newest pickleball paddles feature our patent-pending propulsion core. The dynamic core activates explosive power on drives & speed ups while allowing the dwell time needed for spin & control.CHARGED CARBON SURFACE: JOOLA\'s latest paddle technology adds strength & provides a crisp feel with greater energy return. Creates a poppier response with impressive feedback for feeling connected to your shots.INCLUDES 1 REPLACEMENT GRIP + ACCESS TO JOOLA CONNECT APP: Get connected to exclusive content & 12-month warranty through the embedded NFC chip. Also comes with 1 Replacement Gray Feel-Tec Pure JOOLA Pickleball Paddle Grip.

2024-06-08 06:28:38

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