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Neewer 15 Pro Cage [2nd Generation], Quick Release Design Video Rig Phone Stabilizer with 67mm Filter Adapter, 17mm Lens Backplate, T Mount Lens Adapter Compatible with Moment T Series Lens, PA043

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상품가격 $33.24
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【2nd Generation 15 Pro Phone Cage】 The 2nd gen phone cage video rig kit for iPhone 15 Pro is upgraded with dedicated slots for mounting PA045 Quick Release & Quick Snap On Side Handles (sold separately), a hollow back compatible with MagSafe wireless charging, a 67mm filter thread and a 17mm thread phone camera lens backplate accessories for video recording, YouTube/TikTok vlogging, live streaming, mobile photography, filming, filmmaking, and Zoom calls【1 Click Installation with Full Access】 This integrated mobile video cage phone stabilizer kit quickly opens and locks via a side button fits seamlessly the phone without blocking the camera, charging port, function buttons and wireless charging. With a sturdy aluminum alloy frame and shock absorbing rubber cushions, it is a protective and versatile cell phone stabilizer for stable handheld shooting and video recording indoors and outdoors【67mm Threaded Filter Adapter】 The snap on 67mm filter adapter connects 67mm UV CPL ND filters and black diffusion, graduated color, star, blue streak, light pollution reduction, and other effect filters for creative photography and videography without unwanted vignetting (filters sold separately). Ideal for social media content creators, influencers, video makers, movie makers, youtubers, vloggers, etc.【17mm Threaded Lens Backplate】 The 17mm threaded lens backplate mounts 105mm macro, 10x macro, 8mm fisheye, 45x microscope with LED light, 7x telephoto, 60mm telephoto, 18mm wide angle, 1.55x blue anamorphic, and other NEEWER phone attachment lenses with 17mm threads (lenses sold separately)【T Mount Lens Backplate Adapter】 The T mount lens adapter is compatible with Moment T Series mobile lenses, including anamorphic, macro 10x, tele 58mm, wide 18mm, and fisheye 14mm lenses (lenses sold separately)

2024-11-29 01:36:27

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