해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ARENTI Upgraded 720P 5" HD Split-Screen Baby Monitor,4MP 2.4G&5G Wifi Baby Monitor with 2 Camera and Audio, Night Light,Auto Traking,Cry&Motion Detection,Temperature Sensor, App Control

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상품가격 $259.99
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?-??? ?????-?????? :The Screen Unit Support Two 4MP cameras\' monitoring simultaneously with Split-Screen function. You can watch two babies simultaneously or put 2 cameras in baby\'s room and living room and save the trouble from switching the camera from bedroom to other rooms.????? ??? ???????:Arenti Baby monitor with Peace of Mind. Keep the Extended Eyes and Ears on always. Access Anythere Anytime via Smart Phone and Tablet and the local Screen unit. It works with Alexa and Google Home.????? ???? ??????:This Baby Monitor with 2 Cameras Share the precious moments and love among parents and grandparents easily. It supports sharing up to 4 family members simultaneously.???? ???? ?.?&?? ??-?? : No Hassle for no 5G WiFi anymore. Unlike others only 2.4G WiFi, this Arenti Smart Baby Monitor designed with both 5GHz & 2.4GHz WiFi. Faster response, convenient your life. Tips: Please update your Arenti App to the latest version to connect 5G.???-????? ????????? ????????: Our Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio Strandard Features of Non-Smart Baby Monitor all included:Temperature &Humidity Sensor,Sound Detection,Lullaby,Feeder Reminder,Two-way Audio,Digital Zoom.Auto& Motion Traking.??????? ?? ??? ????????:Our Wifi Baby Monitor Data Privacy is full secured by Arenti bank-Level secure data encryption and account registration protection . Do Not Worry about the privacy exposure risk.

2024-07-11 01:06:12

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