해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Timely - Low Dose Aspirin 81mg - 500 Tablets - Compared to the active ingredient in Bayer Low Dose - Enteric Coated Low Strength - Pain Reliever for Minor Aches and Pains, Fever Reducer - Made in USA

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Your Serving of Wellness ... Whether it\'s minor or daily therapy, Timely 81mg low strength aspirin tablets are up to the task.Shop Smart and Save Big ... Don\'t spend a small fortune on just the label. Our 81mg aspirin low dose tablets give you National Brand equivalency at a fraction of the price. That\'s efficacy priced right.Keep Tummy Issues at Bay ... Thanks to the enteric coating, our low dose aspirin moves safely through your stomach into the small intestine. This means lower instances of tummy discomfort even with everyday use.For All Those Little Aches and Pains ... If a tooth is acting up or that throb in your head hasn\'t gone away, aspirin 81mg for adults might just help. Simple-to-swallow tablets mean relief comes easy.We’re Obsessed with Quality … It’s what guides us through every stage of production. 3rd party tested and made to exacting standards, Timely 81mg aspirin coated tablets never cut corners when it comes to your wellbeing.
Your Daily Dose of Goodness Taking good care of yourself isn’t easy. Eating right takes discipline. Getting in a regular workout takes sacrifice. Remembering to have your 8 glasses of water a day takes practice. Keeping stress at bay and caring for your mental wellbeing takes awareness. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. But at least there’s one thing you’ll now be doing that’s both: taking your Timely low dose aspirin. With 81mg of high-quality aspirin in every tablet – a quarter of what is in regular strength pills – our low dose aspirin is formulated with proactive wellness lovers in mind. And unlike some aspirin tablets that cause tummy discomfort, ours are enteric-coated. This means they safely pass through the stomach into the small intestine, where they are easily digested, fully absorbed, and ready to treat you to the world of goodness. Product Specifications: ✔ 500Tablets ✔ Active Ingredient: 81mg Aspirin Low Dose ✔ For Minor Pain Relief and General Wellness Your Smart Streak Continues If every penny saved is a penny earned, then you’re in for a major payday! As a savvy shopper, you already know not to fall for the pricey branding trap. Our 81mg aspirin coated tablets give you National Brand equivalency at the fraction of the price; the same quality you get in brands 2X the cost. Question is, what will you do with all that spare change! And at Timely, we obsess over every stage of production to ensure the final product exceeds even our expectations. All our products are 3rd party tested for efficacy and safety. We leave nothing to chance because you deserve nothing but the best. Go ahead, get Timely low strength aspirin tablets and start taking care of yourself with greater peace of mind.

2024-06-03 18:21:53

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