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LISEN 60W/3.5A Multi Charging Cable, Retractable iPhone 16 Charger Cord with Type C/L/Micro USB Ports, Compact for Travel, Samsung, Kindle, Black

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상품가격 $14.39
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【Super Times 3-in-1 Multi-Function】: LISEN retractable iphone charger retractable lightning cable is designed to cater to your diverse charging needs by offering three different ports: USB C to USB C Port (60W), USB C to iPhone Port (27W), and USB C to Micro Port (10W). There\'s no need to prepare and carry multiple cable. What\'s remarkable is that it can charge three different devices simultaneously, delivering a charging current of 3.5A. This speed is faster than any other option available on the market.【Explosively Fast Charging and Data Sync】: The multi charger cable super-fast charging cable provides charging speeds of up to 60W, capable of charging your S22 Ultra to 80% in just 30 minutes, and your Mac Book Pro 14 to 80% within an hour. It\'s compatible with a variety of fast charging protocols works with All USB Type-C/micro USB/ Lightning devices. Say goodbye to low battery warnings when you\'re on business or traveling.【Adjustable Length and Retractability】: LISEN retractable charging cable offers four stretching lengths: 1.64ft, 2.3ft, 2.95ft, and 3.6ft, accommodating different daily scenarios. It supports pulling from both ends, a single end, or even a blind pull for ease of use. It\'s easily storable in your handbag, laptop bag, or pocket. Plus, we\'ve included a special storage bag for the retractable cable, saving you even more space!【Uniquely Upgraded E-Mark Smart Chip】: With its pure copper wire and certified E-Mark chip, this multiple charger cable reduces resistance, allowing for a maximum charging speed of up to 60W (USB C to USB C cable). Once the battery level reaches 80%, it switches to "trickle" mode, effectively extending the device\'s battery life. It also support data transfer, achieving speeds of 40~60MB/S (480Mbps). Note: When two devices are charging simultaneously, only the iPhone port supports data transfer.【High-Quality Materials & 24/7 Support】: LISEN\'s retractable iPhone cable is made from resilient, flat TPE, offering robust durability and flexibility, tested for over 10,000 stretches. An aluminum shell enhances its lifespan and heat resistance. Any questions or issues, please contact us. Our dependable customer service team is available 24/7, ready to offer suitable solutions.
Multi Charging Cable Retractable iPhone Charger Cord

2024-11-29 06:51:42

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