해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
nannio Comfy HD Baby Monitor with Camera & Audio, 5'' HD Display, 5000mAh Battery, 1000ft Range, Secure Transmission, Fully Remote PTZ, Night Vision, 2-Way Audio, Temp Sensor, No WiFi, Ideal Gifts

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상품가격 $59.99
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【Effortless Setup, Your Personal Nanny】There\'s no need for an APP or Wi-Fi connection. Just use monitor, and camera to begin. This easy-to-set-up system lets you keep an eye on your baby’s growth with ease, helping to ease your concerns and ensuring you don’t miss any important moments. With a 5" 720p LCD screen, remote-controlled camera rotation (355° horizontally and 70° vertically), and a 4x zoom function, you can enjoy clear, detailed views from every angle, all with minimal effort.【Clear Night Vision & 2-Way Audio】The clear night vision feature allows you to monitor your baby\'s sleep status with great clarity, even up to a distance of 32 feet. Additionally, our monitor has a 4x zoom function, so you can closely observe your baby’s every movement without disturbing their sleep. Furthermore, the monitor offers 2-way talkback, enabling you to hear every sound your baby makes and soothe them when needed. This ensures that parents can always stay connected with their little one, providing peace of mind throughout the night.【Muti Lullabies & Temperature Monitoring 】Our baby monitor is equipped with a temperature sensor that allows you to keep an eye on the room\'s temperature at all times. If the temperature goes too high or too low, it will immediately alert parents, helping to create a comfortable and safe environment that gives parents peace of mind. Additionally, our camera comes with eight built-in lullabies that play soothing music to help your baby fall asleep at night, so parents can rest easy, knowing their little one is well taken care of. This provides reassurance for the entire family.【Ideal Gifts for Baby, Pet, Elderly, and Family】nannio Comfy HD baby monitor features a 5" HD screen and utilizes a 2.4GHz FHSS secure transmission, meaning no additional app downloads or internet connection are required, ensuring your privacy is protected. It also offers clear night vision, 2-way audio, and temperature monitoring, making it the ideal gift for not just babies, but also for families, pets, and elderly loved ones!【Certified Quality and Support】All cameras are FCC and CE certified. The nannio Surveillance Security Camera System offers 30 days of free returns and a 12-month warranty. For additional support, please contact us via our support email: contact@nannio-care.com

2025-01-11 17:06:00

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