해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Solid Wood Entryway Bench Dining Bench, Kitchen Dining Table Bench, Small Narrow Mid-century Bench, Bedroom Bench for End of Bed, Shoe Bench Seat for Indoor, Entryway, Dining Room, Natural 47"

상품번호 B0CST46C1G
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: Buzleer
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $129.99
상품가격 상세보기

【Elegant and Protective Half-Round Design】This entryway bench\'s graceful half-round design, reminiscent of a baguette\'s curve, brings a touch of artistic elegance to any space. Its unique shape breaks away from the ordinary, infusing your room with distinctive charm and sophistication. Not only does its elegant design captivate, but it also offers protection against knocks and injuries.【Premium Natural Solid Wood】 Our dining bench is made from 100% solid wood with environmentally friendly paints. Perfectly displaying the natural color of the wood, simple and aesthetic, High-quality material leaves you no worry about using reliability.【Multifunctional Wood Bench】This wooden bench can be used not only as a dining chair but also as a stool at the end of your bed, entryway bench, bedroom bench, shoe bench, and piano chair. It can fit into any room: bedroom, living room, dining room, or entryway, and also blends with a variety of decor.【Ideal Size for Your Home】With two size options (39.37" L and 47.25" L), this versatile dining room bench blends pretty elegance with ergonomic design. Its 10.24" wide seat ensures comfortable seating, while the 17.5" height accommodates various body types for easy shoe changing. Enjoy ample seating space for 2-3 people, making it ideal for any space, from the bedroom to the dining room, while seamlessly complementing your home decor.【Effortless Assembly in 15 Minutes】Our wooden bench comes with all the necessary tools, instructions, and video for quick assembly. Just like playing with building blocks in childhood, assembling a wooden bench is a hands-on game for adults. If you have any questions, you can contact us promptly and we will reply to your email within 24 hours to solve your problem.

2024-05-16 10:43:23

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