해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GMKtec K8 Gaming Mini PC Windows 11 Pro Dual LAN 2.5Gbps AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS Desktop Computer, 32GB DDR5 Dual Channel (16GB*2) 1TB PCIe4.0 SSD, USB4.0, HDMI, DP, USB-C, WiFi 6E, BT 5.2

상품번호 B0CST4KQ9P
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상품가격 $749.99
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【Premium Gaming Mini PC】The Nucbox K8 Mini PC is a small form factor Desktop Micro Mini Computer with an AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS (8C/16T up to 5.1Ghz) processor. The GPU is integrated with a powerful AMD Radeon 780M 12 Cores Graphics Card; AMD RONA 3 graphics architecture; performance is almost close to that of a full NVIDIA GTX 1650 Ti. Coupled with the support of FSR 2.0+ technology, the computer can handle heavy computing tasks and AAA gaming.【AMD Ryzen AI PC】 AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS features “Hawk Point” AI NPU, which increases the NPU\'s power by 6 trillion operations per second (TOPS) to 16 TOPS in the NPU. The new 2024 Ryzen AI chip is able to accelerate AI software capabilities in your PC to optimize AI workloads, improve AI processing efficiencies, and unlock exciting experiences like AI-powered noise cancellation.【32GB DDR5 Dual Channel RAM & 1TB PCIe SSD Dual Slot Expansion】Installed with DDR5 32GB RAM 5600MHz (Dual Channel 2x16GB), the Nucbox K8 mini pc support expansion to 96GB RAM. Featured with 1TB M.2 2280 PCIe 4.0 SSD, supports dual slot expansion to 2*PCIe 4.0 2TB SSD up to 8TB. (Upgrades not included)【New Gen USB 4.0】Advanced USB4 port features 8K@60Hz display experience, supports a maximum transfer speed of 40 Gbps, is compatible with Display Paramount mount a discrete video card via USB4, and USB4 simultaneously powers a 15w portable touch display. (up to 100W) All-in-one mini pc is widely used for games, image editing, browsing, watching movies, programming etc.【Dual 2.5Gbps LAN + WiFi 6E + BT 5.2 】Dual 2.5G LAN port design provides more applications, such as firewall, multichannel aggregation, soft routing, file storage server, etc. WiFi 6E (2.4GHz, 5.0GHz, 6.0GHz Wireless Frequency)provides a faster internet experience for browsing, streaming and gaming. Built-in Bluetooth 5.2 is more stable and efficient to connect multiple wireless devices such as projector, printer, monitor, speakers and etc.【Mini PC Computer with 4K Triple Screen Display】Nucbox K8 is equipped with USB 4.0 USB-C Video output. The Type-C DisplayPort Video output can connect to the latest monitor displays utilizing 4K@144Hz. HDMI video output can connect to large screen TV and Display Monitors. Features simultaneous triple screen display.【GMKtec Warranty 】GMKtec offers a 1-year limited warranty for each mini PC, starting from the date of the purchase. All defects due to design and workmanship are covered. With a professional after sales team always ready to attend to your needs, you can simply relax and enjoy your mini PC.

2024-09-04 23:12:33

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