해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Set of 2 Mcm Dining Chairs - Kitchen & Dining Room Chairs with Upholstered Seat, Walnut Craftsmanship, Ergonomic Backrest, Curved Arms, kitchen Chairs for Kitchen/Living Room/Dining Room(Walnut Green)

상품번호 B0CSX4V29Q
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상품가격 $279.47
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【Enhanced Cushioning for Superior Comfort】- Elevate your seating experience with our kitchen & dining room chairs, featuring an ergonomically curved high-density Tech-Fabric backrest, elegant armrests, and robust adjustable metal legs. The seats of these mcm dining chairs are generously cushioned with high-density sponge, ensuring ergonomic comfort that lasts even through extended use. The spacious and plush design of these kitchen chairs promises effortless seating and peak coziness, making them an ideal addition to your modern living space.【Sturdy Build & Exceptional Durability】- These barrel dining room chairs are a testament to durable bentwood and walnut craftsmanship, capable of supporting up to 330 pounds. They seamlessly blend style and strength, exemplifying top-tier quality. The arm dining chair features high-quality Tech-Fabric upholstery for both the seat and backrest, providing the advantages of water resistance and effortless maintenance.【Exquisite Artistry in Walnut Craftsmanship】- Exuding sophistication and showcasing the utmost in walnut craftsmanship, our dining room chairs are a testament to both style and resilience. Meticulously crafted from durable bentwood with a rich walnut finish, these side chair dining can support up to 330 pounds. The Tech-Fabric upholstery of these walnut dining chairs marries elegance with practicality, making the dining room oak chairs a distinguished addition to any walnut dining chair ensemble.【Elegantly Adaptable & Stylish Design】- Our living room chairs are designed to be adaptable. Their versatile style makes the dining room chairs with arms an excellent choice for a range of spaces, whether it\'s your home dining area, a coffee shop, restaurant, kitchen, reception, conference room, or lounge. These mcm dining chairs is sure to complement a wide variety of popular styles and settings.【Simple Assembly & Outstanding Customer Service】- Assembling these mid century modern dining chair couldn\'t be easier. Each dining chairs mid century modern includes clear, straightforward instructions, and all the required hardware and tools are included. A single person can complete the installation in just 3 minutes. If you have any questions or need assistance, our friendly and efficient customer service team is just a message away, ready to help with any concerns.

2024-09-05 18:31:36

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