해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
13.8" Portable TV/DVD Player Combo with 12" HD Screen and Digital Tuner, HDMI Input, Region Free, Built-in Battery and High Volume Speakers, Supports USB/Audio/Sync TV

상품번호 B0CSZ47KRF
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상품가격 $123.49
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?【TV WITH PROTABLE DVD PLAYER COMBO】:New version 12 Inch Portable DVD Player built-in Digital Tuner, enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows whenever and wherever you want !(With Amplified Digital TV Antenna)?【MULTIPLE CONNECTION OPTIONS】:Portable TV contans HDMI, USB, AV, Headphone Jack, Digital TV Tuner Cable Connectivity,HDMI allows you to freely use your Firestick or similar hardware to browse thousands of channels,ATSC Tuner and Remote Control make this a potential move TV.?【THREE POWER SUPPLIES】:Small TV with DVD Player with battery-powered, car charger, AC power adapter three power supplies, you can play anywhere. Built-in 3000 mAh rechargeable battery ensures 3 hours of video playback, enjoy your entertainment longer, home and outdoor use is the optimal choice!?【HIGH-RESOLUTION SCREEN】:12 Inch Small TV 1080p resolution screen with 270° rotation and 180° flip function give you to watch a movie or cartoon clearly from each angle, giving you a better visual experience.Built-in two high-power speakers, which makes the volume louder and clearer.?【SUPPORT MULTIPLE FORMATS】:Protable DVD Player with TV wide compatibility supports various DVDs formats includes:DVD, DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD+RW, DVD-RW, CD, CD+R, CD-R, CD+RW, CD-RW, VCD to SVCD (Not support Blu-ray disc). Up to 32GB USB are supported,video formats only support MOV/AVI/MP4/VOB/FLV/MKV/TRP/TS/MPG/MPEG /DAT/ASF/WMV.

2024-06-07 15:25:01

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