해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Stainless Steel Gas Stove Top Cover, Noodle Board Cooktop Cover, Kitchen Organizer for Gas and Electric Stove Range Expanding Kitchen Space, Large Size 36"x 22"x3", Sliver

상품번호 B0CT3HVR8J
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브랜드 Brand: dttbgg
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상품가격 $159.99
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Very Practical: This sliver stovetop cover ONLY ONLY ONLY fit for 36“ stove. As a kitchen organizer expands kitchen space, so that provide an extra work surface. In addition, you can use it as cutting board/ noodle board/ sink cover. It’s the best solution to help you have plenty of room to prepare wholesome meals for your family on this generous working surface.New Patent Design: Several humanized designs make your kitchen stove more comfortable. A handle is designed on the side for your convenience. The bottom is protected by rubber strips to prevent skidding. On the other hand, it protects your stove from scratching. The beautiful design decorate your kitchen, adds an elegant, high-end look to even ordinary kitchens.Wide Application: The size of this cooktop cover is 36 x 23.6 x 3 inches, this standard size fit for all kinds of gas or electric stove, cooktop and burner. It weighs about 8 pounds and can be stably placed on your stove without slipping. It is so heavy and stable. This space saving chopping block can be a countertop cutting tray or can be used over a gas or electric oven to maximize cooking areas.Packing Included: You will receive 1 stove top cover, 1 user instruction, 1 rubber strip and 3 cleaning cloths in the package. You can use it immediately by simply handling it step by step according to the instructions. It\'s important to remind you that please remove the protective film before use and install protective U-shaped clamp strip along the bottom.
This sliver stovetop cover ONLY ONLY ONLY fit for 36“ stove. Other size stove don’t fit. This sliver stovetop cover ONLY ONLY ONLY fit for 36“ stove. Other size stove don’t fit. This sliver stovetop cover ONLY ONLY ONLY fit for 36“ stove. Other size stove don’t fit. Detailed Of sliver Stainless Steel Stovetop Cover This stove cover is made of pure stainless steel and is a newly designed and customized product for your kitchen. As a kitchen organizer expands kitchen space, so that provide an extra work surface. In addition, you can use it as cutting board/ noodle board/ sink cover. It’s the best solution to help you have plenty of room to prepare wholesome meals for your family on this generous working surface. The stove cover has the characteristics of simple and beautiful appearance, strong practicability, easy cleaning and space saving of the stove. Package Including 1 sliver stove top cover 1 user instruction 1 rubber strip 3 cleaning cloths Install Steps: 1. Please remove the protective film before use. 2.Install protective U-shaped clamp strip along the bottom. Preventing damage caused by the stove cover rubbing against the surface of the stove. Pay attention to the end alignment of the clip, and the turning part should be clamped tightly. Please use scissors to cut the clip with extra length. Specifications: 1.Weight: ‎11 pounds 2.Dimensions:36”(Long) x 23.6’’(Wide)x3”(Height) 3.Material:Stainless Steel 4.Colour:Sliver

2025-01-06 21:27:19

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