해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
OtterBox iPhone 15, iPhone 14, and iPhone 13 Symmetry Series Clear Case - QUILTED POPPIES (Red), snaps to MagSafe, ultra-sleek, raised edges protect camera & screen

상품번호 B0CT3V663N
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상품가격 $49.95
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Perfect Fit for iPhone 15: Precision-engineered exclusively for the iPhone 15 , this OtterBox case offers a flawless fit. It not only preserves your phone\'s sleek design but also ensures unparalleled protection against everyday hazards.Superior Drop Protection: Rigorously tested, this case surpasses military standards (MIL-STD-810G 516.6), enduring 3X more drops. Rest assured, your iPhone is safeguarded in the most unexpected situations with OtterBox\'s commitment to superior protection.Slim Yet Tough: Experience the perfect balance with a slim profile that comfortably fits in your pocket, coupled with the strength of OtterBox. Made with 50% recycled plastic, this case stands for both eco-conscious durability and uncompromised toughness.MagSafe & Wireless Charging Compatible: Ingeniously designed for modern convenience, this case fully supports wireless and MagSafe charging. Built in magnets ensures seamless compatibility, keeping your iPhone 15 ready for use at all times.Trusted OtterBox Quality: With OtterBox, you\'re not just buying a case; you\'re investing in peace of mind. Our limited lifetime warranty covers material and workmanship defects, guaranteeing quality and exceptional customer service.
You don’t have to choose between a protective case and a stylish one. Symmetry Series Clear for MagSafe is the sleek and protective case that reveals your device. Better still, this clear iPhone 15, iPhone 14 and iPhone 13 MagSafe case has built-in magnets that let you snap your phone securely to MagSafe chargers and accessories. Specifications:     Compatible With:     iPhone 15   iPhone 14   iPhone 13 Drop Height:     DROP+ | 3X as many drops as military standard (MIL-STD-810G 516.6) Dimensions:     6.02 in x 3.11 in x 0.53 in / 152.90 mm x 79.10 mm x 13.35 mm Weight:     0.09 lbs | 40.71 g Materials:     Polycarbonate     Synthetic rubber     MagSafe Case Features:     Built-in magnets snap firmly to MagSafe chargers and accessories     Ultra-sleek design that flows with the lines of your phone without sacrificing above-standard protection     Rigid case design with reinforced corners for added shock absorption     Raised edges around the camera protect against hard hits     Screen lip keeps display hovering safely off surfaces     Tactile buttons feel just like your phone’s     Made with more than 50% recycled plastic     5G compatible materials     Limited lifetime warranty and hassle-free customer service     Works with OtterBox screen protectors

2024-10-01 20:48:30

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