해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Naturepedic Pillow Top Organic Mattress - Full Hybrid Mattress with Encased Coils for Comfort and Pressure Relieving Natural Latex Mattress - Naturally Cooling & Breathable Mattress

상품번호 B0CT3Y3368
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상품가격 $2,599.00
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PLUSH PILLOW TOP MATTRESS: Sink into organic slumber on an indulgent, hotel-quality plush pillow top mattress that combines elegant tufted craftsmanship with naturally cooling comfort. The Concerto is a latex hybrid mattress featuring organic cotton, organic wool, Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) approved latex, encased support coils and an innovative layer of high-density microcoils for the ultimate in breathability.ORGANIC AND SUSTAINABLE: The Concerto is made with organic materials and without polyurethane foam, flame retardants, glues/adhesives or harmful VOCs. It is "First in Category" as an EWG VERIFIED庐 mattress and is also GOTS certified organic, MADE SAFE庐 certified non-toxic, GREENGUARD庐 Gold certified for low chemical emissions and UL Formaldehyde Free validated. You can enjoy a healthier, eco-friendly sleep with peace of mind.HYBRID CONSTRUCTION: The Concerto features a three-layer hybrid construction that offers outstanding plush comfort and remarkable breathability. The base layer consists of glueless encased coils that provide support and motion isolation. The middle layer features high-density microcoils that enhance airflow and contouring. The top layer is made of organic latex that offers pressure point relief and resilience.BREATHABLE AND COOLING: The Concerto is engineered for optimal airflow and cooling comfort. The breathable organic cotton quilt, the moisture-wicking organic wool batting and the dual coil layers allow for plenty of ventilation and support natural temperature regulation. You can sleep comfortably in any season with this Euro top mattress.LUXURIOUS AND STYLISH: The Concerto boasts a luxurious and stylish design with an exquisitely tufted pillow top and a signature organic cotton ticking fabric. A pinnacle of craftsmanship, this mattress is meticulously tufted by hand for a timeless charm and a durable finish.

2024-05-16 13:58:59

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