해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pure Egyptian California King Size Cotton Bed Sheets Set (Cal King, 1000 Thread Count) Bright White Bedding Pillow Cases (4 Pc) Cotton Sheets Cal King Size Bed - Sateen Sheets-16 in Deep Pocket

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상품가격 $102.99
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Top Quality Egyptian Cotton Sheets Cal King: Our white, cal king sheets deep pocket are as soft and comfortable as it gets and will have you sleeping like a baby. These deep pocket cal sheets king are Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX, leaving no worries of thread count & performance.1000 Thread Count, Deep Pocket Sheets Cal King (4 Piece Set): These luxurious, 1000 thread count sheets cal king come with a flat sheet (108” x 102”), a deep fitted sheets cal king size (72” x 84” + 16”) with an all-around elastic that fits an 16” deep mattress, & a pair of 21 x 41” pillowcases.Silky Soft Sheets! These Egyptian cotton sheets set are made from pure Egyptian cotton which is renowned for its softness and durability. These are sateen weave sheets that offer a lavish look to the room a great night’s sleep to you! Our California king white sheet set, will make you feel like you are on cloud 9, literally!Anti-Pilling & Fade Resistant: Our white sateen sheets cal king size sets use top quality anti-pilling and fade resistant yarns. We believe you deserve the best. Why risk it with other white sheets California king size that itch and fade in the wash?Here at Thread Spread, we are devoted to serving you with the best sheets possible! In the unlikely scenario of rising quality issues, you can directly write to us so we can address your problems best and on top priority. We also offer our customers a return and refund policy if they find they are unhappy with the product.
At Thread Spread, we believe in Fair Collaboration and Total Transparency – that’s how we make our business work. We’re committed to an Ethical Manufacturing Process ensuring that every person who works on our products is rewarded fairly for their efforts. Our facilities are evaluated by third-party auditors to ensure they meet the highest standards of Social Compliance.

2024-07-11 03:40:15

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