해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Premium 100 Gram 10 Pcs Desiccant Silica Gel Packets with Color Indicating - Rechargeable Moisture Absorbers for Food Grade Silica Packets for Foods, Seeds, 3D Filaments, Electronics, Safes

상품번호 B0CTCLB211
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FOOD GRADE AND SAFE: The storage desiccant silica gel packets are made from food grade silicone and has passed a variety of strict qualification certification to ensure that it is tasteless, non-toxic and harmless. (Note: Desiccant packages less than or equal to 5 grams use food grade wrapping paper, can be used directly in contact with food and drugs, more than 5 grams desiccant packages should be used in isolation with food and drugs, water absorption effect is not affected.)INDICATING DESICCAN AND REUSABLE: Silica gel contains orange indicator beads, orange beads absorb moisture gradually saturated will become dark green, users can quickly tell when desiccant needs to be recharged or replace a new. In addition, they can be easily reactivated by heating in the microwave, oven, or exposure to sunlight (note: the temperature should not be too high and the time should not be too long, or the outer packaging may melt.)EFFECTIVELY CONTRAOL MOISTURE: Storage desiccant silica gel packets are specially designed to effectively absorb moisture, ensuring that your belongings remain dry and protected from damage. These moisture absorber packs can absorb up to 35% of their weight in water vapor.VERSATILE APPLICATIONS: These desiccants are widely used in your daily life, such as drawers, Medications, Vitamins, Seeds, Nuts, Snacks, Cookies, Spices, Pet Foods, Guns, Canister, Camera Lens, Clothes, Cosmetics, Books, Bags, Decorations, Wet phones, Cameras, Watches, Electronics, Shoes, and Many Other Valuables and more.HASSLE-FREE AFTER-SALES SERVICE: No matter when you purchase, if there is a problem with the product, you can enjoy an indefinite product replacement or a full refund. Our customer support team is at your service 24 hours a day to ensure you receive first-class service when you need it.

2024-05-16 20:36:46

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