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Apple Watch Series 9 [GPS + Cellular 41mm] Pink Aluminum Case with Pink Sport Band S/M (Renewed)

상품번호 B0CTD9PNT2
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상품가격 $283.00
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WHY APPLE WATCH SERIES 9-Your essential companion for a healthy life is now even more powerful. The S9 chip enables a superbright display and a magical new way to quickly and easily interact with your Apple Watch without touching the screen. Advanced health, safety, and activity features provide powerful insights and help when you need it. And redesigned apps in watchOS give you more information at a glance.CARBON NEUTRAL - An aluminum Apple Watch Series 9 paired with the latest Sport Loop is carbon neutral. Learn more about Apple’s commitment to the environment at apple.com/2030.CELLULAR CONNECTIVITY-Send a text, make a call, and stream music without your iPhone nearby.ADVANCED HEALTH FEATURES-Keep an eye on your blood oxygen. Take an ECG anytime. Get notifications if you have an irregular heart rhythm. See how much time you spent in REM, Core, or Deep sleep with sleep stages. Temperature sensing provides insights into overall well-being and cycle tracking. And take note of your state of mind to help build emotional awareness and resilience.A POWERFUL FITNESS PARTNER-The Workout app gives you a range of ways to train plus advanced metrics for more insights about your workout performance.
The Apple Watch Series 9 is your ultimate health and smartwatch companion, powered by the S9 chip for a bright display and unique touchless interaction. It offers advanced health, safety, and activity features, including blood oxygen monitoring, ECG capabilities, sleep tracking, and temperature sensing. The Workout app provides various training options, and it comes with three months of Apple Fitness+ for free. Safety features like Fall Detection, Crash Detection, and Emergency SOS ensure your well-being. It seamlessly integrates with Apple devices, supports Precision Finding, and offers Apple Pay. With two case sizes, aluminum or stainless steel build, and up to 36 hours of battery life, the Apple Watch Series 9 combines style and functionality seamlessly into your daily life, all while supporting Apple\'s environmental commitment.

2025-01-07 11:26:00

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