해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EWJRNSF Diamond Painting Wooden Serving Trays Wooden Tray with Handles - Great for Dinner Trays Tea Tray Breakfast Tray or Any Food Tray - Good for Parties or Bed Food Tray - 7.8x11.8inch

상품번호 B0CTHHTM71
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: EWJRNSF
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $19.99
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Diamond Painting Wood Serving Tray Set:kit includes , Wooden serving tray with handles, PVC plate, diamonds, tools (1 x point diamond pen, 1 x craft tray, 1 x clay), screwdrivers, screws。 Elevate your DIY journey with distinctive embellishments. The embedded diamond accents aren\'t just a design—they\'re a creative statement. Let your artistic expression shine as the diamonds add a unique, luxurious touch to your personalized tray.Artistic Elegance:Elevate your dining experience with diamond painting wooden tray – more than a mere serving piece, it\'s a masterpiece. Meticulously blending diamond painting with wooden craftsmanship, this tray transforms every meal into a sophisticated feast, adding a touch of artistic elegance to your table. Crafted with thoughtful consideration, this 7.8x11.8-inch tray is not only a stylish addition but also a practical choice. The inclusion of handles ensures effortless transportation from the kitchen to your living room or patio, enhancing the dining experience wherever you go.Versatility Redefined:Wooden trays with handles Be suitable for from intimate dinner gatherings to stylish bar sessions and leisurely breakfasts in bed. This tray adds a touch of sophistication to diverse dining moments, Ideal for eating, working, decorating and storing or organizing your favorite home goods like display candles, jewelry, makeup, perfume, candies, books, fruits, vegetables, bar ware & beyond.Elevate Your Experience with Creative Embellishments:Immerse yourself in a distinctive ambiance crafted by intricately embedded diamond accents on the tray. When bathed in light, these diamonds emit a radiant glow, adding a touch of luxury to your culinary moments and transforming each meal into a visual delight. Let the sparkling details elevate not just your tray but the entire dining experience, creating an atmosphere of indulgence and sophistication.Essential for Stylish Gatherings:Diamond Painting Wooden Serving Trays-Go beyond ordinary dining and make a statement at your gatherings. This tray becomes the centerpiece, providing your guests with a unique and elegant dining experience. Illuminate your occasions with the captivating brilliance of diamonds, creating memories that linger long after the gathering concludes.

2024-05-15 07:45:03

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