해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VECELO Platform Queen Bed Frame with Rustic Vintage Wood Headboard and Footboard, Mattress Foundation, Strong Metal Slats Support, No Box Spring Needed

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상품가격 $119.99
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MetalSturdy & Stable: This bed frame build with 9 legs and 14pcs of heavy-duty steel slats, black Industrial wooden grain headboard and footboard adds better supports to your mattress;Extra Storage Space: Efficiently designed and constructed to eliminate the need for a box spring, with the 12.2\'\' height frame, you can have more storage under the bed;Noise-Free: This metal frame uses foam padding inside to ensure that the bed does not be squeaky when you rolling over at midnight;Easy as 1-2-3: Come with all parts, tools, and assembly instructions of the bed, an adult can handle in under an hour; (Pillows, quilts, mattresses, etc. are not included. )Weight capacity (Full & Queen): 700 lbs
VECELO bed frame is committed to providing you with a better sleeping environment. WHY YOU LOVE IT - A strong & clean-lined frame that seamlessly blends with the style of just about any room. The headboard of black wood grain brings a retro and fresh atmosphere to your bedroom. - The metal frame supports any latex, spring, or memory foam mattress without the added expense of a box spring. - We upgraded the structure, the assemble for mid-frame with legs and 2 sides of rails are foldable. With slats snap-in design. All tools included, it is easy to put all the components together, you don\'t even take more than an hour to assemble it. - The metal frame uses foam padding tape inside to ensure that the bed does not squeaky when you roll over at midnight. Dimensions: Distance between the outside frame rails that connects to the headboard and footboard. Twin size: approximately 40.9 inches. Full size: approximately 55.8 inches. Queen size: approximately 62.1 inches. The height from the floor to the outside of the headboard is 42.5". The height of the footboard to floor is 15.1". Headboard and footboard wood thick: 15mm. Slat Spacing: 5.5" Under-bed Height: 12.2" Weight Capacity for Twin is 450 lbs. Weight Capacity for Full&Queen: 700 lbs. 6/8/10/12-inch mattresses are recommended. VECELO provides 24-month warranty and 30-day free return service, if there\'s any problem with the products you received, please feel free to contact us to get free replacement parts or a brand-new item.

2024-04-04 17:28:56

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