해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CUSTYPE Magnetic & Stand Designed for iPhone 14 Pro Max Case fit for MagSafe, Genuine Leather Case, Military-Grade Shockproof Phone Kickstand Cover for Apple 14 Pro Max 6.7inch Brown

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상품가격 $39.99
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【?????????? ???? ?????? 14 ??? ???】 This case is designed for iPhone 14 Pro Max with a 6.7-inch screen and 3 Cameras (❌not for 14 / 14 Pro/ 14 Plus).【Compatible with Magsafe and Wireless Charging】 Our phone case supports wireless charging technology, simply place your phone on a charger that supports magsafe charging, and you can easily charge wirelessly. Using an N52 magnet, a powerful built-in magnet with a holding force of 2400g. It is compatible with both vertical and horizontal magnetic vehicle mount,ensuring excellent stability even during sharp turns or bumpy roads.【3 in 1 Functional Phone Case: Magnetic, Horizontal and Vertical stand, and Phone Grip】With both horizontal and vertical stand support, you can enjoy watching TikTok videos, FaceTime calls, or your TV shows. The innovative collapsible metal rod offers a convenient hands-free phone stand, perfect for one-handed texting, scrolling, and snapping photos. Simply extend it to prop up your device, or collapse it for pocket-friendly storage.[Military-Grade Protection] reinforced Air-Guard corners and 1.5 mm bezel over the screen keeps your iPhone screen from damage, 2.5 mm offset border over the camera opening prevents the lens from being scratched.【365 days warranty and enjoy exquisite gift box】You\'ll receive a phone case that comes in a beautiful gift box. We not only use premium and durable materials for the phone case, but also package it in an exquisite box, so you can also give it as a gift to your friends and family. Plus,If you have any product problems, please contact us through the Amazon Message Center for any product issues, and we\'ll resolve them within 24 hours.

2024-09-28 14:28:42

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