해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GravaStar Mercury M1 Pro 4K Wireless Gaming Mouse, Magnesium Alloy Handcrafted Vintage Finish Design, 26000 DPI, Support (Wired/2.4GHz/BT), 5 Programmable Buttons, 82h Long Battery - Gifts for Fathers

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상품가격 $129.99
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Battle-Worn Alloy Elegance: The Fusion of Durability and Design - Step into the gaming arena with the M1 Pro\'s battle-worn magnesium alloy body. This mouse is not just a device; it\'s a statement. The hollowed-out design doesn\'t just capture eyes; it ensures your hand stays cool and responsive under pressure, marrying relentless durability with lightweight agility.Ergonomic Mastery: Precision at Your Fingertips - Meticulously crafted for the discerning gamer, the M1 Pro boasts an ergonomic design that cradles your hand, transforming every move into natural, precise actions. Enhanced tactile button feedback means every click is more satisfying, more accurate - a true extension of your intent.TUROSPEED Dominance: Stay Connected, Stay Unbeatable - With the TUROSPEED Wireless technology, the M1 Pro offers versatile connection options - from the ultra-fast 2.4G to the agile Bluetooth, down to the steadfast wired connection. Coupled with prolonged battery life, this mouse ensures you\'re always ready, always dominant.Hyper Precision Sensor: The Art of Unseen Advantage - Dominate the gaming world with a up to 4K polling rate and a staggering 26,000 DPI sensor. PAW3395 provides ultra-smooth cursor movement and pinpoint accuracy, giving you the unseen advantage in every skirmish, every battle.GLOWSYNC Spectrum: Illuminate Your Victory Path - The M1 Pro’s customizable GLOWSYNC RGB lighting isn\'t just about aesthetics; it\'s about setting the tone for your next conquest. Sync it with your game, feel the ambiance of every battle, and let the colors herald your victories.Ultimate Customization Control: Your Strategy, Your Terms - Tailor every aspect of your gameplay with the M1 Pro’s fully programmable buttons. The intuitive software enables you to assign macros, reconfigure button layouts, and adapt the mouse to your gaming style, ensuring you’re always playing on your terms.Ultra-Low Lag Command Center: Instant Response, Instant Victory - Experience the pinnacle of gaming precision with the M1 Pro’s 4K receiver. This advanced technology translates into ultra-low latency and consistent, stable connectivity, giving you a noticeable advantage in fast-paced games.

2024-07-10 07:56:56

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