해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RYR Gaming Headset with 7.1 Surround Sound, Wired Gaming Headset, Gaming Headphones with Noise Cancelling Mic, RGB Light, USB Port, 50mm Drivers, Over Ear Headphones for PC, Laptop, Mac (Black)

상품상태 New    
상품구분 Video Games / PC
브랜드 Brand: RYR
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $39.99
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【Cool Style & Enhanced Gaming Experience】RYR Gaming Headset PC has 10 beautiful lighting modes, including dynamic breathing, gradient and static effects, etc. (LED light can be turned off), creating a gorgeous gaming atmosphere and enhancing your immersive gaming experience. Perfect for most FPS games, such as God of War, Fortnite, PlayerUnknown\'s Battlegrounds or CS: GO.【7.1 Surround Sound with Stronger Sound Quality】The wired gaming headset uses high-precision 50mm magnetic neodymium driver advanced 7.1 surround sound chip to create stereo surround sound in the gaming headset, providing an immersive gaming experience, feeling every precise and subtle sound, helping you quickly make directional judgments and win the game.【Excellent Humanized Design】CM7001 wired gaming headset adopts a double-layer headband design, an external metal frame and an internal elastic headband to ensure a tight fit and lasting comfort. The headset weighs only 0.77 pounds, and the comfortable and breathable breathable protein over-ear ear pads fit your head perfectly, allowing you to enjoy excellent comfort during hours of gaming.【High-Sensitivity Noise-Cancelling Microphone】Equipped with an oversized 360° omnidirectional microphone, advanced noise reduction, sound positioning, reduces distracting background noise, clearly picks up your voice, and ensures that your commands are always heard. Compared with other wired gaming headsets, it improves sound reception and call clarity by 30%.【Professional Gaming Headset】The gaming headset has a 6.5 ft high tensile strength, anti-tangle braided cable, a rotating volume control button, and a microphone mute function. Its gaming professionalism is suitable for most gamers.【Game Platform Compatibility】RYR CM7001 wired gaming headset only supports PC/laptop and other devices with USB interface, not switch/Xbox series/PS4/PS5.【Note】If the microphone does not work when used for the first time, please check whether the "microphone button" is muted. If it is, switch the "microphone button" to a non-mute state so that the microphone works properly. Otherwise, please contact us as soon as possible for after-sales service.

2024-07-11 08:13:44

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