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Nature Made Extra Strength Dosage Choline Supplements 800 Mg Per 3 Capsules, Brain Health, Mood, Muscle & Liver Support, Vegetarian, 60 Capsules, 20 Day Supply

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상품가격 $20.14
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Brain health support supplement: contains one 60 count bottle of Nature Made Extra Strength Dosage Choline 800 mg per serving Capsules for a 20-day supplyClinically studied Choline Bitartrate supports focused attention(1)Choline provides memory, mood, muscle health support(2) as well as liver supportAdults, take 3 brain supplement capsulesThese vegetarian and gluten free Choline supplements have no color added, no preservatives and no artificial flavors#1 Pharmacist Recommended Vitamin and Supplement Brand*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration; this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
When looking for brain supplements for memory and focus, consider Nature Made Extra Strength Dosage Choline. Three capsules provide 800 mg of Choline Bitartrate, a clinically studied ingredient to support focused attention(1). Choline also helps support memory, mood and muscle health(2) as well as nervous system function and liver health support. This Choline brain health supplement for adults is vegetarian and gluten free with no color added, no preservatives and no artificial flavors. Adults, take 3 capsules daily with water and a meal. Start your day with Choline supplements from Nature Made. (1) In young adults (2) Choline helps make acetylcholine to support memory, mood and muscle health. *Based on a 2022 survey of pharmacists who recommend branded vitamins and supplements. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

2024-04-04 18:57:38

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