해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BACH(バッハ) Men Outdoor, Midnight Blue, 45L

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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Luggage & Travel Gear
브랜드 Brand: Bach
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $244.35
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【Molecule 45】The Molecule 45L is a new lightweight hiking backpack for men and women. Zip roll-top closure with modular straps and hip belt pockets This backpack is designed for experienced users who prefer a lightweight pack. We select a material that is lightweight yet durableModular attachment options and sleek back system are perfect for weekend light hikes. If you need more capacity, the roll-top closure allows you to store extra 7 liters. For users who want more speed and lighter weights, the waist belt pocket or compression strap can reduce the weightBACH: Established the original BACH company in Ireland in 1979. In 2000, we were the only outdoor manufacturer with production site in Europe, but we moved to Asia as the price of Ireland. It has expanded sales lines to the world and increased recognition. Don\'t forget the craftsmanship of all BACH\'s trial samples are made in Kilkenny, Ireland. Their experience in various outdoor fields is incorporated into a unique and versatile design
【Molecule 45】The Molecule 45L is a new lightweight hiking backpack for men and women. Zip roll-top closure with modular straps and hip belt pockets This backpack is designed for experienced users who prefer a lightweight pack. We select a material that is lightweight yet durable. Modular attachment options and sleek back system are perfect for weekend light hikes. If you need more capacity, the roll-top closure allows you to store extra 7 liters. For users who want more speed and lighter weights, the waist belt pocket or compression strap can reduce the weight.

2025-01-09 17:56:33

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