해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
(84"x20") Heavy Duty Tailgate Net for Truck Bed, Cargo Net Durable Truck Bed Extender Tailgate Cargo Net with 4 Adjustable Buckle Straps, Perfect for Truck, Trailer, Pickup, Boat, Jeep, SUV

상품번호 B0CTQB4BR9
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상품가격 $54.99
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✔Extendable & Adjustable: The truck cargo net overall dimensions measure is 84"x20", heavy-duty tailgate net\'s adjustable design fits a wide range of Truck, Trailer, Pickup, Boat, Jeep and SUV, perfect for holding groceries, boxes, or any big items near the tailgate.✔Firm & Safety: The truck bed net has dense mesh design, the tailgate net square holes size is 4.84x2.44 inch, can effectively prevent small goods from falling off in transit, to ensure the safety of other large goods. The squares netting allows wind to pass through more easily as compared to a solid tailgate, reduces fuel consumption by reducing air resistance.✔High-quality: Our heavy duty tailgate nets are made of premium polyester material ,wear resistant and weather proofing, can withstand extreme conditions to meet all your transportation requirements and protect your goods. Heavy duty cargo net with crossed straps, holds up to 1500 lbs to ensure ruggedness and durability.✔Easy to install: Attach the four carabiner hooks on the tailgate anchors, quickly installation and disassembly. Not only convenient, but also save time. Adjustable Straps up to 57.87 inches long, the S-size hardware hooks can hold the tail hook tightly.✔Packages & Service: Foldable Tailgate Net x1, Adjustable Straps x4, Storage bag x1. We offer 24 hours customer service and 1 year product service, If you are encounter product installation, product quality and other problems, please feel free to contact us.

2024-05-16 23:33:05

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