해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SpectrumOI Telescope for Kids 8-12, 70mm Maksutov Telescope for Adults High Powered, Telescope for Kids, Telescopes for Adults Astrnomy,Kids Telescope with Phone Holder and Bluetooth

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상품가격 $189.99
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【Fully Multi Coated Glass Optics 】Unlock the beauty of the nightsky and during the day with this Maksutov telescope, renowned for its exceptional Fully and multi-layer coated glass optics that deliver images of unparalleled clarity and sharpness with this telescopio professional para ver planetas. Its 70mm ultra high transmissed glass optic has a transmission rate of 98.89% which is 21% higher than other telescopes on the market. The Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope provide great contrast making this a great telescope to see planets【Accessories】This beginner telescope includes everything you need to start deep space exploration. This telescope for beginners comes with three highly transmissive glass eyepieces including one 4mm Aspherical eyepiece which provide crisp and sharp image like no other telescopes can. The included smartphone adapter allows this smart phone telescope to take pictures of the nightsky on the go with ease. With the included astonishing Aspherical eyepiece, the maximum magnifiation of this telescope can reach 375X, revealing intricate details like you were a NASA astronaunt.【Astronomy Gifts】This NASA telescope is the perfect gift for astronomy enthusiasts of all ages, catering this telescope for adults and kids 6-8. The gift of this telescope for Adults Astronomy opens up a world of celestial discovery, fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity taht transcends age boundaries. This can also be a great educational gift as well as toys for ages 8-13.【Portable & Stable】Discover the cosmos with our portable telescope. Our telescope for beginners features a sturdy tripod with 2" tripod legs to provide maximum stability. The tripod of this telescope stands out as superior compared to others in its class. Crafted with precision and durability in mind, it provides a stable and sturdy foundation for optimal viewing experiences. With attention to detail and functionality, this tripod sets itself apart as an essential companion for any telescope entusiast.【Real US Warranty】Buy with confidence from a California based brand , You’ll also receive a three-year warranty and unlimited access to our technical support experts located in California.
The AZ60 Series telescope is an exceptional telescope kit designed for amateur astronomers and hobbyists who want to explore the night sky with ease. With its advanced optics and sturdy construction, this telescope is ideal for observing the moon, planets, star clusters, bright deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy at night. This telescope features a compact 70mm (2.75’’) aperture and a 750mm focal length Maksutov style optical tube assembly which darkens the washed-out city sky and brings out more contrast in deep-sky object.

2024-05-14 18:01:25

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