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Mrbeast Lab Swarms Collector Case, Discover 10 Swarms Inside, Perform The Experiment & Create 2 Micro Beasts, Holds Over 130 Micro Beasts, Including Exclusive Ultra Rare Panther | Amazon Exclusive

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Unleash a frenzy of the NEW MrBeast Lab Swarms Atomic Series Micro Beasts!The MrBeast Lab Swarms Collector Case Includes 10 Micro Beasts including an exclusive ULTRA RARE Panther!The exclusive MrBeast Lab Swarms Collector Case holds over 130 Micro Beasts.There are over 85 unique MrBeast Lab Swarms to collect in the Atomic Series.Mix, Shake, Create to reveal 2 Micro Beasts!Environmentally conscious paper-based packaging
Step into the chaos of the lab, where a groundbreaking experiment has spiraled into unexpected madness, giving rise to the wildly unpredictable MrBeast Lab Atomic Swarms! In response to this turmoil, the MrBeast Lab Collector Case has been designed to contain the Atomic Swarms, with capacity for up to 130 unique Micro Beasts. Simply shut the sleek silver briefcase to confine the chaos of the 10 micro beasts nestled inside. But, at the heart of the briefcase lies a test tube, presenting a thrilling challenge to collectors to reveal two more Micro Beasts if they dare to release the atomic chaos! If chosen to accept, add water to the test tube, give it a vigorous shake and watch as two micro beasts burst forth in a vibrant explosion of orange fizz! As a reward for taking on this challenge, avid collectors will be granted an exclusive ULTRA RARE Panther, a prized addition that will amplify any collection. With over 85 unique 1-inch (2.5 cm) MrBeast Swarms characters to discover, discovery is just a shake away! Each Micro Beast belongs to its own distinct team, from the spine-chilling Home Horrors to the electrifying Techno Terrors. Which team will you complete first? Embrace the chaos, mix, shake, and embark on an exhilarating journey with the all-new MrBeast Lab Swarms Atomic Series!

2025-01-08 11:51:29

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