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LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker X-Wing Mech, Buildable Star Wars Action Figure with Luke Skywalker Toy, Collectible Building Set for Kids, Creative Star Wars Gift for Boys and Girls Ages 6 and Up, 75390

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상품가격 $15.71
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Quick-build LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker X-Wing Mech – Introduce kids to the LEGO Star Wars universe with this easy to build Luke Skywalker toy mech for play and displayA Luke Skywalker LEGO minifigure – The LEGO minifigure of this iconic Star Wars character comes with a lightsaber and blaster pistol for fantasy action playBuildable LEGO X-wing mech suit – The mech has posable hands, arms, legs and feet, an opening minifigure cockpit and adjustable X-wing jetpack, plus a large lightsaber and stud-shooting blasterLEGO Star Wars collectible – This buildable mech toy is part of a collection of LEGO Star Wars mechs, sold separatelyLEGO Star Wars gift for kids ages 6 and up – This buildable LEGO Star Wars action figure toy makes a fun gift for creative boys, girls or any young Star Wars fanCreative building toys for all ages – Collectible LEGO Star Wars sets enable kids and adult Star Wars fans to create their own stories or simply display the buildable modelsBuilt for action and display – The Luke Skywalker X-Wing Mech buildable Star Wars toy in this 195-piece set stands over 5 in. (13 cm) tall and can be displayed between playtime missions
Kids become Rebel heroes in the exciting LEGO Star Wars universe when they build and play with the Luke Skywalker X-Wing Mech (75390). A cool and creative Star Wars gift for boys, girls and any young fan ages 6 and up, this posable, brick built Star Wars toy is made for fantasy action adventures. It has an opening cockpit for the Luke Skywalker LEGO minifigure, an adjustable X-wing jetpack with a clip for his lightsaber, and gripping hands to hold a large lightsaber and large stud-shooting blaster. This buildable LEGO Star Wars action figure is designed to be easy to build for young Jedi. Enhance their creative experience with the LEGO Builder app, which features 3D zoom and rotate viewing tools and allows builders to track their progress and save sets. The X-Wing mech Luke Skywalker toy is part of a collectible series of quick-build LEGO Star Wars mechs (sold separately). Contains 195 pieces.

2025-01-08 02:18:56

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