해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LEGO Minifigures Dungeons & Dragons 6 Pack, Collectible Toy Figures Including Tiefling Sorcerer and Gith Warlock, Party Favors for Kids or Adult Fans, 66765

상품번호 B0CV2HV7WJ
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상품가격 $29.94
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Dungeons & Dragons collectible toy pack – Each LEGO Minifigures Dungeons & Dragons 6 Pack contains a random selection of 6 minifigures for kids ages 5 and up who enjoy fantasy and adventure or adult fans of D&D campaign play.12 characters to collect – Range features Tiefling Sorcerer, Elf Bard, Halfling Druid, Dwarf Barbarian, Dragonborn Paladin, Aarakocra Ranger, Gith Warlock, Mind Flayer, The Lady of Pain and Szass TamAuthentic accessories – Each character comes with at least 1 accessory and a collector’s leafletFantasy adventure toys – Limited-edition LEGO collectible minifigures spark imaginations and let fans step into a fantasy world for exciting adventuresDungeons & Dragons party favor or gift – These collectible LEGO minifigures are a great gift idea for kids or adult D&D fans who love fantasy actionHours of LEGO playtime – Fantasy minifigures to be added to a collection, put on display or inspire Dungeons & Dragons stories
Boys and girls ages 5 and up can expand their minifigure collections and enjoy fantasy adventures with this LEGO Minifigures Dungeons & Dragons 6 Pack (66765) for kids and adult fans. Each pack contains a random selection of 6 Dungeons & Dragons characters from the LEGO Minifigures (71047) range. There are 12 in total, and each one comes with at least 1 authentic accessory. Makes a great party favor! There are 12 unique Dungeons & Dragons minifigures to collect: Tiefling Sorcerer, Elf Bard, Halfling Druid, Dwarf Barbarian, Dragonborn Paladin, Aarakocra Ranger, Gith Warlock, Mind Flayer, The Lady of Pain, Strahd von Zarovich, Tasha the Witch Queen and Szass Tam. This LEGO Minifigures Dungeons & Dragons 6 Pack makes a fun unexpected treat for kids or adult collectors and fans of the iconic fantasy adventure game. Each pack comes with a building guide to ensure the minifigures can be quickly assembled. The Dungeons & Dragons minifigures spark kids’ & D&D adult fans\' imaginations, inspiring them to play out quests and battles in a fantasy land. Contains 6 minifigures.

2024-09-05 12:57:22

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