해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mellow Naturalista Classic 16 Inch Solid Wood Platform Bed with Wooden Slats, Black, Queen

상품번호 B0CV34LHVQ
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: Mellow
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $205.97
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Solid wood platform bed with wooden slat mattress foundation, no box spring neededMid-century modern style frame made with 3.5 inches of solid wood for durabilityNoise-free construction with padding between the frame and slats and non-slip tape on the wooden slats for stabilityUnder bed clearance of 8.5 inches for additional storage spaceEasy to assemble in minutes, 5-year manufacturer\'s warranty
Mellow\'s Naturalista Classic solid wooden platform beds are our answer to those looking for a modern platform bed that\'s organic and natural in looks and super sturdy in structure. Naturalista Classic is a stable and durable wooden platform bed with classic wooden slats that requires no plywood or box spring at all. It will add organic and rustic charm to your room with its natural wood grains and simple silhouette. Available in 6 beautiful wood finishes, natural pine, cherry, espresso, white, black and white wash. The sturdy frame is made with 3.5 inches of real solid wood for durability. It\'s a mid-century modern style that fits in any home interior with ease. Designed to be noise free with non-slip tape on slats for stability. Includes 8.5 inches of under bed clearance for additional storage space. Delivered to you in smart compact packaging and assembles in minutes with everything you need inside the package. All Mellow bed frames come with a 5-year manufacturer\'s warranty.

2024-05-16 18:00:27

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