해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ergobaby Alta Hip Seat All-Position Breathable Mesh Hip Seat & Carrier, Pearl Grey

상품번호 B0CV4KX7C5
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상품가격 $129.00
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ERGONOMIC HIP CARRY BY THE LEADER IN BABY CARRIERS: Ergobaby’s trusted expertise in baby carriers has helped families carry millions of babies with an ErgoPromise Quality Guarantee.2-IN-1 CARRIER AND HIP SEAT: Effortlessly converts from baby carrier to hip seat mode for a convenient up and down carrier that grows with baby (~4-48 months; 12lbs-45lbs) so you can keep up with your little one without compromising your comfort.ALL CARRY POSITIONS: This incredibly versatile carrier can be used with baby outward or inward from the front, on your hip or on your back.LARGE, COMFORTABLE SEAT FOR BABY: Wide, curved, cushioned seat to comfortably and ergonomically support baby’s hips with an anti-slip gripMAXIMUM AIRFLOW WITH SOFTFLEX MESH: Soft and flexible custom mesh covers the entire carrier for maximum breathability with a lightweight comfortable feelORGANIZED STORAGE & INCLUDED HOOD: Incorporated side pocket that fits phone, keys, and cards as well as a tuck-away baby hood offers nursing privacy and protection from the sun
For all the busy little ones who love to get up and back down, the Ergobaby Alta Hip Seat Baby Carrier gives you a hands-free carry and an assisted one-hand hold, all in one carrier. With a quick up and down option, you can keep up with your kiddo (4-48 months) without compromising your own comfort. The Alta Hip Seat has another level of airflow with SOFTFLEX™ MESH that covers the entire carrier for maximum breathability with a lightweight and comfortable feel. The easy-to-use buckle (no velcro) waistband means easy ons and quiet offs so parents can quickly pick up their little ones and quietly remove the carrier for sleeping babies. The wide and cushioned seat ergonomically supports baby’s hips and the padded shoulder straps and wide supportive waistband support you throughout adventures big and small. Reflective accents for safety, side pockets for phones and more, and a privacy hood for sun, the Alta Hip Seat has everything you need to make your life with baby easier.

2025-01-06 18:12:10

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