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Dithoko Garage Sports Equipment Organizer System: Home Gym Storage Rack for Yoga Mat - Golf Bag & Ball Storage for Basketball Football - Indoor Outdoor Toys Holder Workout Exercise Gear for Entryway

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상품가격 $89.99
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Versatile Storage Options: The Garage Sports Equipment Organizer System offers a variety of storage options to accommodate different types of sports gear. With adjustable hooks, shelves, and compartments, you can customize the setup based on your specific needs.Easy Accessibility: The Garage Sports Equipment Organizer System is designed for convenience. With its open shelving, you can quickly grab your gear without any hassle. This saves you time and energy, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your game.Space Optimization: By utilizing vertical storage options, the Garage Sports Equipment Organizer System maximizes the use of your garage walls. This leaves ample floor space for other activities or additional storage needs.Durable and Long-lasting: Constructed from high-quality materials, this organizer system is built to withstand the demands of an active sports enthusiast. Its sturdy framework ensures that your equipment remains safe and secure, even during rough handling.Professional Service: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we are here to provide professional after-sales service
Product Dimensions Assembled Length (in.): 33.46 Assembled Width (in.): 14.96 Assembled Height (in.): 66.93 Weight (lbs.): 30.64 Package Size Length (in.): 37.80 Width (in.): 17.72 Height (in.): 7.17 Weight (lbs.): 32.85

2024-02-13 11:45:35

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