해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TUFFIOM Air Jack, 3 Ton/6600 LBS Pneumatic Jack, Triple Air Bag Jack Lift, Fast Lifting Air Jacks for Cars Lifting Repair, Heavy Duty Air Jacks Lift Up to 15.75 Inch, Blue

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상품가격 $57.99
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[POWERFUL AND EFFICIENT]-Air Jack 3-ton/6600-pound pneumatic jack adopts triple air bag design to provide powerful lifting force. Whether you are doing vehicle repairs, changing tires, or other operations, it can provide you with an efficient work experience.[EASY TO OPERATE]-It has simple button operation and long handle, you can easily control the lifting and lowering of the jack by just pressing the button. Whether you are a professional technician or an ordinary car owner, you can get started easily.[QUICK LIFTING]-The jack adopts the pneumatic principle. You only need to press the button lightly and the vehicle can be lifted in 3-5 seconds. It can quickly lift the vehicle, saving you precious time.[SAFE AND STABLE]-This jack adopts a triple airbag design to ensure that the vehicle can be lifted steadily and reduce the risk of accidents. In addition, it is equipped with a safety valve to ensure that the vehicle remains firm and safe during the lifting process.[VERSATILE APPLICATIONS]-This jack is not only suitable for car repairs but can also be used for a variety of other lifting tasks. Whether you\'re using it at home or in a commercial setting, you can rely on it to get the job done.

2025-01-06 20:52:26

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