해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pampers Free & Gentle 100% Plant-Based Fragrance Free Baby Wipes, 8 Flip-Top Packs (624 Wipes Total)

상품번호 B0CVGRK35D
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상품가격 $23.47
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SUPERIOR CLEAN: Pampers Free & Gentle Wipes clean better*5X STRONGER: 100% plant-based** cloth is 5X stronger* to help prevent tearing during diaper changesTEXTURED CLOTH: grips the mess for a superior clean without fear of tearing100% PLANT-BASED: Cloth made from 100% plant-based fiberspH-BALANCING FORMULA: Helps restore skin’s natural pH for clean, healthy skin1-WIPE POP TOP: Easily dispenses one at a time and keeps wipes from drying out
Clean skin is healthy skin. That’s why Pampers Free & Gentle Wipes clean better than the leading wipes sub-brand. And no more fear of tearing during a messy diaper change! Pampers Free & Gentle Wipes are 5X stronger* to help prevent tearing. These baby wipes feature a textured cloth that is made from 100% plant-based fibers and carefully designed to grip the mess while giving your baby’s delicate skin the extra care it deserves. Pampers Free & Gentle Wipes are hypoallergenic, unscented, alcohol free †, dye free, and plastic free. To help protect skin and prevent irritation, Pampers Free & Gentle wipes are infused with a gentle pH-balancing formula that restores skin’s healthy pH. Pampers Free & Gentle wipes packaging features a unique 1-wipe POP TOP that is designed to dispense just one wipe at a time, which helps to prevent the wipes from drying out. And you know that you can trust Pampers Free & Gentle Wipes because they are made by Pampers, the #1 pediatrician-recommended brand. Want the perfect pairing for healthy skin? Use Pampers Free & Gentle wipes and Pampers Swaddlers diapers together. *Vs. Huggies Natural Care **Fibers only. Subject to processing. Excludes lotion. †No ethanol or rubbing alcohol

2024-07-10 22:16:49

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